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Mike & Kanye, the second in a series of Classic Moments on the Web original FAT-shirts. My all time favorite television moment, imortalised on youtube, and now in F.A.T.-Shirt form.Click here to buy.


Posted on October 28, 2007


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In an effort to build up our small but growing Free Store I am starting starting a series of F.A.T.-Shirts entitled Classic Moments on the Web. The first in this series is the Tay-Shirt. Support our non-profit and Tay Zonday at the same time picking one up here


Posted on October 28, 2007


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Graffiti Research Lab featured in a new Die Gestalten published book titled Space Craft: Fleeting Architecture and Hideouts.

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Posted on October 27, 2007


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New post over on 2xhapps. The Encore chorus from all the remixes I could find from Jay-Z’s black album a cappella.

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Posted on October 25, 2007


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