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James Snyder did a nice little write up and video piece about the G.R.L. for I wanted to throw him some shine because besides doing his research he managed to link to examples of our work (outside of 10 times in the course of one article! It drives me crazy when I read online news articles about things which exist on the internet but don’t get linked up because they are not on the organizations server (NYT for example is apparently unaware of how to use the href tag). The href is a wonderful thing. And since Theo continually gets left out of the story I thought I’d atone with some href love:

  • Theo Watson wrote the Laser Tag Software!!!!!!!!! Theo Watson wrote the Laser Tag Software!!!!!!!!! Theo Watson wrote the Laser Tag Software!!!!!!!!! Theo Watson wrote the Laser Tag Software!!!!!!!!! Theo Watson wrote the Laser Tag Software!!!!!!!!! Theo Watson wrote the Laser Tag Software!!!!!!!!! Theo Watson wrote the Laser Tag Software!!!!!!!!! Theo Watson wrote the Laser Tag Software!!!!!!!!! Theo Watson wrote the Laser Tag Software!!!!!!!!! Theo Watson wrote the Laser Tag Software!!!!!!!!!

  • … Oh, and Zach wrote some of it too.

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    Posted on April 14, 2008


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  • Visualization by Jonathan Cremieux.

  • Want to show some art in the New Museum? Then visualize this data and send it to me ( ASAP. More on W.G.T. at

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    Posted on April 9, 2008


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    Posted on April 9, 2008


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    In 2004 I released a project called Graffiti Taxonomy and since then I have been receiving regular email requests to make prints and posters. I have recently revisited the project and am now releasing my first ever series of limited edition signed and numbered prints. The Lower East Side ‘E’ was created from tags photographed in March of 2008. It is the first in an ongoing series of graffiti character studies titled ‘A,E,I,O,U’. The prints were made by master printers right here in Brooklyn and can be purchased at the new ni9e store.

    (More photos up here).

    The original project is archived here.

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    Posted on April 9, 2008


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    The expressions published in this site are all in the public domain. You may enjoy, use, modify, snipe about and republish all F.A.T. media and technologies as you see fit.