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Posted on May 2, 2009


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If you have suggestions for additional open source/hacker texts please leave them in the comments. Personal endorsements suggested. Links to full text required.

Free Culture, by Lawrence Lessig

The Wealth of Networks, by Yochai Benkler

The Public Domain, by James Boyle

How To Become A Hacker, by Eric Raymond

The Cathedral and the Bazaar, by by Eric Raymond

Free Software Free Society, by Richard Stallman

powr.broccoli-kopimi, by Kopimi

So You Wanna Write On Walls, by Mark Surface

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Posted on April 15, 2009


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Blogger Training Gym: An online motivational tool for bloggers. 5 minutes on the heavy bag each morning and you’ll smacking publish buttons like Piston Honda.

(Warning: auto-play audio)


Posted on April 13, 2009


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Posted on April 7, 2009


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