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I thought I would celebrate my recent move from NYC to Hong Kong with a commemorative East meets West edition FFFFFat Stacks omelet. For scrambled eggs and ramen you will need 3 eggs, olive oil, vegetarian ramen (for all my non-meat eating heads), baby corn (broken into thirds) and baby mushrooms (baby veggies are always more fun then their grown up counter parts). Cook the babies in a frying pan with some olive oil. While those are simmering put half of the ramen package (make sure to include half the spices as well) into a bowl and pour on just enough hot water to make them soft. Once the vegetables are cooked put them off to the side, re-oil the pan, and pour in 3 eggs beaten with a spash of olive oil and water. Mix in the cooked veggies and ramen and get your scramble on.

More photos here.

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Posted on June 10, 2008


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Above is the White Glove Tracking compilation video Ben and I showed at the New Museum last night. You can also peep the slides from the presentation here. This is the culmination of work that took place over the course of last 2 years. All shine to Zach, Open Frameworks, Jung-Hoon Seo, David Wicks, Tim Knapen, Jonathan Cremieux, Eyebeam, and Rhizome Commissions.

The top ten White Glove data contributers will soon be getting their commemorative prints in the mail. The application and source code for the ASCII generation software used to create the prints can be downloaded here (PC only at this point).

The blinged out ASCII print on the left is made up of the X-Y coordinate data of the white glove movement, and the print on the right is made up of all the email addresses of the data contributers (from most clicks to least starting at the top bottom).


More photos of prints here

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Jerrem, a student of the G.R.L. master class in Adelaide, is only a wordpress theme away from having G.R.L. Australia fully up and operational. He’s done several projection experiments, including laser tag and this ghostbuster car modification. My favorite so far however is the stuff he’s done on the mean streets of his kitchen (video above). Looking forward to seeing this technique outside.

For more information on the G.R.L. master class in Adelaide you can check the class blog (written and updated by Lachlan), and our photos.

G.R.L. Australia Coming Soon…….

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Jesus Saves was one of the first graffiti writers I got to know when I moved to NYC. I just received an email from him with a link to this compilation video he made of all the projects we worked on together. Most of the footage is from back in the Graffiti Analysis days of 2003 – 2005.

  • He writes that the clip was made by filming the screen and “cutting off the clips from the others 2 only show mines lol i know it sounds greedy but yo i do it 4 the love of my tag”. Check out the rest of his clips on his youtube account here.

  • Most of the applications shown in these videos were made with early pre-release versions of Zach and Theo’s Open Framewerkz

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    Posted on May 6, 2008


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    The expressions published in this site are all in the public domain. You may enjoy, use, modify, snipe about and republish all F.A.T. media and technologies as you see fit.