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I was digging through some old hard drives and came across a series of photos I had shot as part of my thesis project way back in the day. This photo was taken somewhere in Lower Manhattan in 2004.

  • For full size version go to:

  • (Click image and use arrow keys to advance frame. More images here.)

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    Posted on March 24, 2008


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    (hella meta)

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    Posted on March 12, 2008


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    Now you can get your favorite hexadecimal shade of light green in a can!

    You can paint canvases:

    Or use it to fill markers:

    Guaranteed to make your art Bad A55!

    Click here for source code, here for more photos, or here to buy some for your home.

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    Posted on March 12, 2008


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    A count down to when the intelectual property of Christopher George Latore Wallace (aka The Notorious B.I.G.) will enter the public domain.




    To download source code (Processing) click here


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    Posted on March 2, 2008


    1 32 33 34 35 36 54

    The expressions published in this site are all in the public domain. You may enjoy, use, modify, snipe about and republish all F.A.T. media and technologies as you see fit.