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  1. a bill says:

    This project is great… I can’t wait to see the project worked out!!!

  2. Duncan says:

    you guys rule.

  3. taeyoon says:

    yo. ive been enjoying ur nice video evan. cant wait to see the project complete!!

  4. caskey says:

    We miss you, thanks for hangin’ Ebeling style. You are welcome to crash any time you are in LA!

  5. eyeone says:

    Hello. I was at the hospital last night with y’all and Tempt. What yo are doing is amazing. The last time I saw Tempt write was at an exhibit I curated where he had to use one hand to hold and move the other. Thank you very much for enabling Tempt to once again educate us with his mastery of letterforms.

The expressions published in this site are all in the public domain. You may enjoy, use, modify, snipe about and republish all F.A.T. media and technologies as you see fit.