When I’m not getting fffffff.at, I go to Burning Man and make some art with a crew called Image Node.
To further this, I’ve made an open-source DIY blinky kit that you can assemble at the FATlab this Saturday. 28 LEDs, 4″ square, runs off an AVR Mega168 and two LED drivers.
The expressions published in this site are all in the public domain. You may enjoy, use, modify, snipe about and republish all F.A.T. media and technologies as you see fit.
wuts Saturday?
Blinky Tupperware Party, 1-9 @ the FATlab. Come over and solder up a blinky. Then you’re a hippie. Hippie.
Tod’s mention of Burning Man is his sole opinion and not necessarily a reflection or endorsement by any of the fffff.at crew.
Indeed, do not confuse the fffff.at crew with a bunch of hippies, or ravers, or bunnies, or faux desert survivalists, or pervs. Feel free to confuse me with a bunny, though, esp. if I’m wearing a bunny suit.
todd this image desperately needs to be replaced with a blinky animated gif
Can this be modified in some way to either:
A.) Make the hippes get a job
B.) Clean the hippies in some way
C.) Kill the hippies
Just wondering.
Also, I hate hippies.
Oh please don’t confuse the burners with hippies. Burners have way more money and are more likely to hold a law degree or MBA.
And, as annoying as hippies can be, at least they’re not violent.