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Spread the news! SPEED SHOW vol.3: ‘Peace!’
16th September, Amsterdam!

SPEED SHOW vol.3: ‘Peace!
One night group show and part of an ongoing series of SPEED SHOWS. All prior shows are documented here. Produced and curated by Aram Bartholl

Thursday, 16th of September 2010
Opening 7:00 – 10:00 pm

SPEED SHOW vol.3: ‘Peace!’
at ‘A.Internetcafe’
Tweede van der Helststraat 15
Amsterdam (G-maps )

Participating artists are:

– Constant Dullaart
– Evan Roth
– Guthrie Lonergan
– Jan Robert Leegte
– Jon Rafman
– Peter Luining
– Rafaël Rozendaal
– Timur Si-Qin
– UBERMORGEN.COM & James Powderly

Curated by Aram Bartholl

Thx to Constant Dullart and Peter Luining for support!!!


Hit an Internet-cafe, rent all computers they have and run a show on them for one night. All art works of the participating artists need to be on-line (not necessarily public) and are shown in a typical browser with standard plug-ins. Performance and life pieces may also use pre-installed communication programs (instant messaging, VOIP, video chat etc). Custom software (except browser add-ons) or off-line files are not permitted. Any creative physical modification to Internet cafe itself is not allowed. The show is public and takes place during normal opening hours of the Internet cafe/shop. All visitors are welcome to join the opening, enjoy the art (and to check their email.)

SPEED SHOW manifest by Aram Bartholl 2010

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Posted on September 15, 2010


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Evan and tbx are ff00ff’ing Paris’ most precious tech venue LA CANTINE, aka the crib of Mark Zuckerberg. Register now @ La Catine!

Official text:

Join FAT artists Evan Roth and Tobias Leingruber at La Cantine where they will present technology based creative projects that exist at the cross section of open source and popular culture.
They will discuss their own work, as well as that of the Free Art & Technology Lab, an online hacker space experimenting with humor, activism, free culture and popular media. The presentations will be conducted primarily in English (sorry) and start at 7pm. Free Hip Hop and beer while supplies last!


We are also looking for other artists and hackers interested in open source fun that would be interested in giving short 10 minute presentations. Email project URLs to

And thanks alot to our great partner Silicon Sentier to make this event possible!!

Posted on September 14, 2010


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Over the course of the last year we’ve been developing tools and software in collaboration with an amazing artist, TEMPT1, who suffers from advanced stage ALS. The resulting EyeWriter system is a free and open source DIY project that allows TEMPT1 to make art again by using his eyes for the first time in seven years.

An initial milestone in the project was to see TEMPT1 write his name again. Through Kickstarter we are now trying to help push a second milestone, which is TEMPT1’s return to being able to make a living as an artist. As a part of this initiative he is releasing new archival digital prints, an original type face drawn using the EyeWriter, a screen saver, T-shirts, letter press prints, a special xerox zine about his work and message, and large format robotically drawn eye tags.

$10 pledge – Custom eye-drawn font created by TEMPT1 using the EyeWriter (works on Mac, PC and Linux):

$75 pledge – Limited edition letter press print of original design by TEMPT1 (8″ x 10″, edition of 100). Printed by Paper Jam Press. Includes TEMPT1 Second To None zine.

$500 pledge – A Kanye West edition of the original EyeWriter glasses design made by the EyeWriter development team (edition of 5):

$1000 pledge – TEMPT1 tag designed by TEMPT1 using the EyeWriter and drawn with RoboTagger, a large industrial robotic device (edition of 10, each signed by thumbprint):

The Eyewriter team is also going to drop a 2.0 version of the device in the very near future that will allow users to do much more than just write graffiti (e.g. type, speak, browse the web) and costs about $100 in parts. This will be a brand new system that will functionally compete with incredibly expensive medical computing devices. Additional proceeds from the Kickstarter campaign will help fund this initiative.

To support TEMPT1, the Eyewriter team and to own some great art, please visit and spread the word.

Thank you in advance from the entire team (chris, evan, james, theo, TEMPT1, zach)

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Posted on September 13, 2010


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What happens when have an urge to make something quickly, but only have a few items on your desk? Take a pair of white shutter shades, an indigo blue Prismacolor Premier color marker, do some coloring, and… done! “Imma Let You Finnish” Shutter Shades.

(And c’mon… Kanye can also do better and get himself a nice Finnish girlfriend.)


(i’m on an editing boat!)

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Posted on September 12, 2010


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The expressions published in this site are all in the public domain. You may enjoy, use, modify, snipe about and republish all F.A.T. media and technologies as you see fit.