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Not going to make it to Miami this year? Is Art Basel not your style?

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My International Art Fair


Posted on April 3, 2014


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Inspired by Travor Paglens latest pictures of Inteligence HQs released on The Intercept I took the liberty to make some slight photoshop modifications to a picture of the new BND HQ in Berlin. :)) The hoax tweet with the modified picture raised quickly a lot of attention, questions and doubts. Also the fake NYT url i added in the spirit of Fake URL trolling helped to get some fast retweets. :)) “Never hit RT before you ve seen the www!”



The picture was doubted by many users. Some of them took the effort to point out the fake. ..


…while others users were wondering  about the broken NYT link (which never existed) :))


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Posted on March 31, 2014


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Getty Images is exchanging their legendary watermark for embedding codes that will allow them to data-mine information and serve ads every time you embed a “free image” from Getty in your website.

As an homage to the defunct watermark, the new Gerry Images bookmarklet, allows you to add for free the worthless prestige and zero value that stock photography watermarks offers, to every single site on the web!

Improve your intellectual property experience on the web, enjoying the beautiful, timeless, cross-platform watermark of the “embed power-web”. A watermark is forever.


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Previously in the City: DERNIER SOUFFLE, David Renault, 2014, Saint-Jacques-de-la-Lande (FR)

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Posted on March 6, 2014


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