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Our FFFFFellows over at FAT Lab Tokyo recently did some FM-broadcasting during the Cultural Typhoon Conference.

Yusuke Sugano, Seiji Ueoka and Chihiro Suga presented the Free Media Research Lab , talked about FATness, and interviewed Evan-San and Tobi-San.

Here are the two broadcasts (mp3):
Cultural Typhoon Day 1
Cultural Typhoon Day 2

Some FFFFFlicks:

the original post on (Japanese)

…and the Email Interview with Evan-San:

Could you give us a brief introduction of yourself?

Evan: I am an American artist currently living in Hong Kong. Most of my work be it on the web or on the streets tends to involve the overlap of free culture and popular culture. Three years ago I co-founded the Graffiti Research Lab with James Powderly during a fellowship at the Eyebeam OpenLab, and since then James and I have also co-founded the F.A.T. Lab.

How did F.A.T. lab start?

Evan: F.A.T. lab started almost 2 years ago

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Posted on August 4, 2009


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Pecha Kucha Berlin last thursday was great fun. Tbx and a-RAM presented 20 FAT projects, 1project per slide each 20 seconds. All 20 slides of the Pechakucha can be found here on Fuckflickr!
We would have loved to show 40 projects in dubble speed (10 sec). The PK-format is a bit slow for the F.A.T.-output frequency ;-). Thx to Lars Reimann there are very nice and best of all ALREADY KOPYFAMED pictures of our presentation. (kopyfamo applaus! haha)


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fi5e hosted an off the chain chaotic picnic for Teorías del Caos at Mangum Lab in Mexico City, earlier today.

This occasion is also his first ultra interactive -2.0 live multimedia stream ever!, with extra points for the compiz*.

To watch this properly on the internets: pay attention to the rap alert, follow this slides and grab the p1cn1c special with fi5e’s favorite Whiz Khalifa trax.

Chaos showed up as usual, so you are going to miss some advances on some upcoming bad ass projects. Stay tuned for live chaos next month with El Proyecto Sonidero and DJ /rupture

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Posted on July 31, 2009


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With recent mistakes by companies and organizations not knowing how to properly censor online documents, its easy to see why people believe the text they can’t see can’t be read. And with computer illiterate talking heads like Rush Limbaugh or internet illiterate censorship advocates like Ursula von der Leyen, it is easy to befuddle them with the appearance of censored text on the web pages they commonly visit.

A playful experiment in “censoring” a web page by hiding text and images behind blocks.

Ctrl+F'd Example

Try it out on your fffffavorite web pages. Grab the bookmarklet below and drag into the bookmarklet bar (or right-click as ‘Bookmark/Favorite this Link’).

Ctrl+F’d Bookmarklet

Or mess with your ffffffriends. Download the Firefox extension, install into GreaseMonkey, or grab the JavaScript code and add to your site.

Don’t forget to take screenshots of your fffffavorite Ctrl+F’d web sites. Post ’em in the comments!

Google CraigslistCNN NY Times Facebook Hulu YouTube Tumblr

Open-sourced by Greg Leuch. Available on GitHub.

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The expressions published in this site are all in the public domain. You may enjoy, use, modify, snipe about and republish all F.A.T. media and technologies as you see fit.