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It’s not 1988 so why live like it is?

FREE INTERNET FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cafes, airports, hotels and Hell usually all have ‘free’ wifi for 30 minutes and then make you pay- this is a bug, not a feature.

Limited time = fffffat unlimited time.

wifi spots are easy to hack your way into fatty goodness:

Option 1:

You can maintain the constant 30 minute wifi sessions by doing a few tricks. When you try to load a page, the router will automatically redirect you to the login page: look at the URL, because from there you can see which system the airport is using and all of them are easy to hack:

Change your IP

Change your MAC address

Delete your cookies

Option 2:

You can also spoof your MAC address, MacMakeup (Win) is a good place to start.

Edit: A good tutorial for Mac users can be found here

ProTip: Find a MAC addresses already using the paid wifi. Once you have located a few, you can copy the mac address as your own and enjoy.

Option Lazy Motherfucker:

Many routers have the ability to hide a wifi network by making their names invisible to other computers (airports use these often for gates). A nice GUI option is to use NetStumbler which locates and shows all hidden networks or you can do it via the terminal:

sudo ln -s /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/airport /usr/sbin/airport

The above command must appear on a single line to work. Enter the admin password to create the symbolic link. Now you can use the airport command without th long ass path:

airport -s

The ping will show all available wifi networks and their router name (SSID), the router address (BSSID), signal:



Happy Sniffing!! <3


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Posted on August 29, 2013



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