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White-out the over-produced reality of the Kardashians*.

In a time where many wish to marry out of love but can’t because of how others feel about the sanctity of it all, we have celebrity Kim Kardashian to thank for showing us how great celebrity life can be… gorgeous ceremony, romantic honeymoon, million dollar licensing fees, and everything in between.

As the masses drool over her over-produced reality, for others, ignorance can be a true bliss with a little help from the Dash-Out browser blockers.

Chrome Firefox

* Also blocks out executive producer Ryan Seacrest.

Code by Greg Leuch (source)
License under MIT License

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Posted on November 1, 2011


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While webmasters are able to support the protest on their sites, the other 99%* of netizens out there also need a way to armchair participate. For those netizens like you, we are offering browser extensions to take over a show your protest for sites across the web while being able to see the volume of other netizens also protesting your favorite sites.

Download the browser extension for your browser, tell your friends, and continue to support the Internet Occupation!

Chrome Firefox Safari

New features for Chrome and Firefox include the ability to right-click to see the number of protesters that have occupied the current page, as well as selection options to control the loudness of the protesting crowd!

Code by Greg Leuch and Theo Watson
Extensions code:
Server code:
Concept development by Theo, Jerry, Jamie, Greg, Evan and Aram.
License under MIT License

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Posted on October 21, 2011


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PBS’s new web series “Off Book” explores the LAB, with interviews from a few of us.

(Check the near the end for the secret FAT Lab formula for a successful speed project.)

#FF00FF & #FFFF00 to PBS & Kornhaber Brown for the awesome interview.

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Posted on September 14, 2011


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Having problems keeping your lower regions shaved from Bieber? Are your browser versions growing too fast? Get the updated versions of Shaved Bieber to keep yourself tidy and clean!

Shaved Bieber now works with latest versions of Chrome and Firefox. Updates include faster rending and auto-updates for future updates.

Chrome …or… Firefox

Developed by Greg Leuch (@gleuch)
View Code Source

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Posted on September 13, 2011


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