google image search results for celebrity. what we found: the same copy of a copy of a copy of a manufactured ideal. Badly colored blonde number 40, fake and bake, size 2 or 0, medium length hair with too much product. A crazy white bitch. A copy of a copy of a copy of the same blonde, nothing really different, never aging always 20 something replacing the 30 something, and then a few creepy middle aged white men hanging around the edges, we salute you.
Print Number 2 of Limited Editions of Unlimited.
Limited Editions of Unlimited is a F.A.T. artwork series which will be released and available online for free. Download and print the second in the series here or see Print Number 1 here.
Then what..? Put it on your walls, on buildings, hang it up in the MoMa, give to your friends, your Grandma, lick it, eat it (maybe it taste good?)…. we want to see us everywhere.
Rock Star Artist or nOOb fresh out of art school and your art is wack, losing its viral flav’ because people don’t want any IP popos chasing them down while remixin it? Ok.. cool. Let me help you.
FOR EXAMPLE: I’mma Let You Finish ok but here’s how it works– lets say you wantta make art that gets you mad cred, but not for big companies,. but say ShareAlike so everyone all over this small small world after all can be remixin’ it?
but yeah, we know what’s coming,
Possible Example Question from your lawyer:
Dear Fat Lab, What’s the Fine Print?
Because we know you bitches like to read, we got ALL of that up in here for you…
An artworks value has typically been determined by (superficially) limiting the supply or editions of a piece as determined by the artist, gallery and collectors. We call BS. Art is only valuable if it changes society. Impacting society is only possible if it becomes part of culture. Culture can only be rapidly affected when done virally.
Currently, art supply chains often create the opposite of a cultural revolution by only allowing the elite to buy or see collections. At F.A.T., we want to create and distribute to a new contextualization of art and culture through the use of open licenses, open ideas and open art.
A disintermediation of The Art World, starting now.
Limited Editions of Unlimited is a F.A.T. artwork series by Resident FATtie Addie Wagenknecht which will be released and available online for free. Download and print the first in the series here or have someone print it for you.
Then what..? Put it on your walls, on buildings, hang it up in the MoMa, give to your friends, your Grandma, lick it, eat it (maybe it taste good)…. we want to see us everywhere.
SOOOOOO.. You had kids but you also want a life? SOLUTION:
The Optimization of Parenthood is a robot arm which reacts whenever a baby placed in the bassinet cries or awakes from sleep. The arm will speed up if the baby cries and it can also offer a bottle of milk or a favorite toy.
Broke parents are often pigeonholed into being full time parents, the cost of childcare sucks every penny away so even if they want to continue their creative work, they can’t economically swing it. Its often not so much a choice as it is, what we call The Default to Suck. As a result, the parent, and in reality, almost always the mother, loses the very creative practice they spent an entire life building. The result? We end up on medication, angry, depressed and/or bitches who need a shower.
If however, we could eliminate much of the routine, tedious, monotony of parenting while still continuing a creative practice we will have optimized the process of parenting without loses what makes us interesting. Automatic repetitive parenting task can be transferred to devices, without affecting ‘the development of the baby’ while still letting the parent live up to their fullest breeder and artistic potential.
Already have your robot arm laying around and just need the code to get your life back? Here you go.
This project was developed with support from the STUDIO for Creative Inquiry at Carnegie Mellon University and created at the Digital Fabrication Laboratory, (dFab), CMU School of Architecture with Technical Assistants from Madeline Gannon
The expressions published in this site are all in the public domain. You may enjoy, use, modify, snipe about and republish all F.A.T. media and technologies as you see fit.