Released by  

1 Day
20 participants
894 animated gifs
1 music video

I ran the inaugural Animated Gif Mashup workshop last week at NIMk as part of Video Vortex. Big thanks to all of the gif hunters and mashers that spent their Thursday wading their feet in the pools of web 1.0. The above video was created entirely from gifs found and mashed by workshop participants over the course of a single day.

GIF source material available here (1 | 2 | 3). Thanks to Video Vortex for the invitation, NIMk for hosting and Anna for the write up.

A few slides from the resulting presentation:

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Posted on March 14, 2011



  1. smsgbsn says:

    This mash-up reminded me of something I saw recently. Thought I’d share. Is J-Dubs a.k.a. Slick Mahony?

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