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FOIA [Freedom of Information Act] 101:

We make it easy, since the FBI doesn’t.  Get your FBI file in 5 minutes or less.

Filing an Freedom of Information Act request on yourself or others with any department of the government can appear to be overwhelming, very buried and something that looks like you should hire a lawyer to do, but its really really easy— we promise, so easy its today’s SPEED PROJECT!!!!


Step 1: Are you a U.S. citizens or lawfully admitted alien?  Congrats! Proceed.

You have two options:

                         Option 1: You can fill out this form

                         Option 2: Write a request and sign it. We wrote it for you– just fill in the blanks.


Step 2: Submit the form or letter to the FBI, via email!



What happens now…?

What if I want to submit an FOIA on someone else? If you are requesting information about someone else try The website provides easy to use templates that allows you to simply fill in the blanks, and will take care of following up on the requests for you. There are lots of previous requests you can flip through. Note that you can only request information about people who are dead, so be sure to include this piece of information in your request.


Posted on February 4, 2015



  1. Todd says:

    FYI Option 1 link is broken with extra character at the end.


  2. Todd says:

    FYI Option 1 link is broken with extra character at the end.


  3. Nels says:

    “I am willing to pay up to [$____ ] for the processing of this request. Please inform me if the estimated fees will exceed this limit before processing my request.”

    Any tips for an amount to fill in? $0?

  4. @todd- thanks will fix.

    @nels– what are you willing to pay ;) I’ve heard they range for 0-500$ depending on your record length

  5. Michael says:

    I’d suggested $30, which should cover the vast, vast majority of requests for information about yourself. The FBI will provide information on CD, and they charge $15 per CD after the first one (which is typically free for non-commercial requesters).

  6. Mon says:

    Thanks for this!
    I remember reading somewhere that if requesting a FOIA on yourself, you should also include a statement releasing information about yourself to yourself otherwise most info will wind up being redacted. Is this true? Any suggestions?

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