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In support of the world’s largest center of culture, The Pirate Bay, FAT Lab members will be throwing Academy Awards P2P gatherings in major cities around the world. Pirate Bay is currently on trial for “promoting other people’s infringements of copyright laws,” facing up to two years in prison and over $10M in fines (more info..)


On Feb. 22nd, FAT Lab members will load USB thumbdrives and other portable media devices with every single Academy Award nominated movie. Rewards Party attendees should bring their own thumbdrives & hard disks to freely fileshare every Best Picture nominee, Best Supporting Actress, Best Screenplay, et al… sneakernet style.

As a courtesy to their prosecutors we will share King Kong in diskette too!


Academy Awards Pirate-2-Pirate Locations:

Monday morning 23rd Feb
P2P breakfast club, bring your sticks!
@ cafe MÖRDER Borsigstr. 1, Berlin

Mexico City:
Febrero 22 – 7 pm.
@Bar Akelarre.
Regina 49. Centro Histórico.
(entre Isabel la católica y 5 de febrero)
Ciudad de México.
*Traigan USB!


New York City
(TBA shortly)

22nd Feb. 9 pm
Achterhaven 148


If you are interested in throwing a party in your city please send us an email with the location and we will add it to the list.hhh


  1. martian says:

    I think hackerspaces around the world are trying to make a good name. The try to establish once again that hackers do good for the society. I think sharing copyrighted movies this way is on the edge.

    What about that bullshit in your about page? That F.A.T. members support open licenses and try to enrich public domain etc.
    That’s about my opinion :-P

  2. […] on trial in Sweden for  “promoting other people’s infringements of copyright laws,” F.A.T Labs has organized “Academy Awards P2P gatherings” in five major cities around the world, all kicking off […]

  3. […] Academy Awards Pirate 2 Pirate Global Party was a great success! Part of the face2face/stick2stick  craze is the “Pirate2Pirate Kopimi […]

  4. […] Pirate 2 Pirate Kopimi Station * The Academy Awards Pirate 2 Pirate Global Party! * AVAILABLE ONLINE FOR FREE (the Sticker) * Pirate Pilgrim: Calling all Pirates * The Joydick * […]

  5. AH! This is the sort of thing I have been looking for. Doing some research for an article. You should add buttons to the bottom of your posts to digg, stumble, etc your content.- Pam

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