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Serving Suggestion
Why am I showing you how to make ranch dressing? Two reasons: For ages I thought it was a secret concoction made in a lab from mysterious ingredients, so in many ways this is “open sourcing” food. Also, if Evan can post about food, why can’t I? I promise it’s not even really that complicated.

.5 cup mayonnaise
.5 cup whole yogurt
.25 cup 2% milk
2 tbsp. chopped celery leaves
1.5 tbsp. chopped fresh dill
1.5 tbsp. diced onion (sweet or red)
1 clove garlic, diced
1 tsp. dijon mustard
2 tsp. lemon juice
salt and pepper to taste

If you’ve got one, use a food processor to mince the garlic and onion. If not, a knife will do. Whisk all ingredients together and chill for an hour to let the flavors mix before serving. Experiment with the mayo/yogurt ratio and the herbs used.

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Posted on March 2, 2009



  1. jamie dubs says:

    Open source food FTW!
    Props for using alternative veggies

  2. Smelspeth says:

    Not to mention, they only sell Ranch Dressing in the US. Unless you can smuggle the Hidden Ranch powder packets through customs, making this on your own is the only way you’ll get some Ranch lovin’

  3. Bobby says:

    you’re killing this website with your posts. free art and technology and ranch
    ingredients. it’s not even good for a laugh. i hate your posts. hate hate hate hate hate.

  4. Becky Stern says:

    Bobby, you didn’t even like my Vicodin earrings? Hate’s a pretty strong word for ranch dressing.

  5. jamie dubs says:

    Free Art & Condiments 4 life

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