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I finally got around to putting my breathalyzer microphone online. Check out the full step-by-step instructions.

From the description:

The breathalyzer microphone is a system for the inconscpicuous collection of blood-alcohol content level data sets. In other words, you can measure a person’s sobriety with a device, that for all intents and purposes, looks no different than a standard microphone.

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Posted on August 6, 2008



  1. evan says:

    ha ha, this is great! Version 2.0 should play different songs based on how drunk you are.

  2. I see this being an important tool for the rap industry, a companion data set to any album/mixtape/freestyle. It could help settle beef (“I was drunk, sorry”) and reveal who can only rip rhymes while ripped themselves. You could use Young MC albums for the control, cause he didn’t even swear, let alone drink. Then work your way up to Tha Alkaholiks.

  3. […] friend Randy at the fffffatlab made this breathalyzer […]

  4. […] friend Randy at the fffffatlab made this breathalyzer […]

  5. […] friend Randy at the fffffatlab made this breathalyzer […]

  6. […] can see all the fun you could have during karaoke with this hack. Randy over at fffffatlab built this breathalyzer […]

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