You may have heard about Young Me Now Me, a fun Ze Frank thing. After discovering the painting of Georges Emile Lebacq below (thanks Patrick) and it’s remarkable likeness to my visage, we at developed something with a little more dignity and class, it’s called: Impressionist Me, Now Me.
Get out that new digital camera you just unwrapped, do some hunting online and get into it.
Here’s the rules:
1. Search or other sites for a historical painting, drawing, or early photograph that looks like you. (It’s easier than you think) It doesn’t have to be an impressionist painting, that’s just what we started with.
2. Create a photo of you today where you recreate the pose and scene as best you can. Try to dress the same.
3. Put the two images side by side and upload it into the comments!
Here’s some to get us started:
Shi Tao is serving a 10-year sentence in prison for writing articles calling for political reform in China. Yahoo helped put him there.
FuckFlickr is open-source image gallery software that won’t narc you out. We created it as an alternative to hosting your photos on a certain Yahoo-owned photo sharing site.
Download FuckFlickr 2.0 (PHP, 268kb .zip)
Check out our install at For the full feature list, installation instructions and development info click here.
A big shoutout to Greg Leuch for serious code contributions to 2.0 — big plans for the future, too, like video support and Hydra-style federation. Oh, and version 2.0 has support for themes — drop yours in the comments.
The expressions published in this site are all in the public domain. You may enjoy, use, modify, snipe about and republish all F.A.T. media and technologies as you see fit.