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Social Roulette

Social Roulette has a 1 in 6 chance of deleting your Facebook account.

Everyone thinks about deleting their account at some point, it’s a completely normal reaction to the overwhelming nature of digital culture. Is it time to consider a new development in your life? Are you looking for the opportunity to start fresh? Or are you just seeking cheap thrills at the expense of your social network? Maybe it’s time for you to play Social Roulette.

Social Roulette is a collaboration between Kyle McDonald, Jonas Lund and Jonas Jongejan. The source code is available on GitHub.

Posted on May 11, 2013



  1. That is awesome! I’ll be spreading that around :)

  2. […] in Jonas Jongejan and “hacked it together as a 4 hour speed project.” On Saturday, McDonald posted about it on the blog of F.A.T. Lab (a tech-creativity organization with a hackerish […]

  3. […] created the Social Roulette app along with Jonas Lund and Jonas Jongejan as part of a four-hour project during the CLICK new media art festival that was held in Helsingor, Denmark, between 8-12 […]

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