Not afraid to put filthy objects in your mouth for extended periods of time? Good. Neither am I. Â Mumble Camâ„¢ allows for you to capture life’s amazing moments with all that FIRST PERSON FLAVOURâ„¢ you’ve always wanted. Â i’m lovin’ itâ„¢
The flavor is all collected using Appleâ„¢’s patented rubberized white iPhone charger cord. Â The semi matte texture is optimal for collecting things like skin cells, blood, pubic hair, sriracha and lil bits of weed. Â Activated by your natural saliva these materials combine to create a sensory explosion in your mouth. i’m def lovin itâ„¢
Use Mumble Camâ„¢ for all of your favorite activities:
-illegal graffiti vandalism
-hacking (whatever that is)
-making art (lame)
-fighting with family members
If you own an iPhone and an iPhone™™™™™ charging cord you’re ready to schmurda that pup.  Simply follow the directions below!
dude looks like a lil smurf
In times when algorithms are used to alienate us and music is reduced and consumed as “content”,a group of ravers and musicians use algorithms to bring people together in dancefloors,perform music and live code experiences to make music taking place.
I’m stoked ’bout giving my F.A.T NIKA 2014 (.tidal .gif version) to one the best things that has happened to music and dancefloors in the 21st century:ALGORAVE. (Ardisson,Benoit and The Mandelbrots, Alexandra Cardenas, LiveCodeLab, Sick Lincoln, Norah Lorway, LUUMA, Meta-ex, Mico-Rex, Renick Bell, Section_9, Shelly Knotts, Yaxu/Slub/AlexMcLean, Yee_King). Thanks for the code, the music, the dance and looking forward for more party in general!♥
**F.A.T. NIKA 2014 .tidal .gif Algorave award page this way**.
About Algorave
Algorave is made from “sounds wholly or predominantly characterised by the emission of a succession of repetitive conditionals“. These days just about all electronic music is made using software, but with artificial barriers between the people creating the software algorithms and the people making the music. Using systems built for creating algorithmic music, such as IXI Lang, overtone, puredata, Max/MSP, SuperCollider, Impromptu, Fluxus and Tidal, these barriers are broken down, and musicians are able to compose and work live with their music as algorithms. This has good and bad sides, but a different approach leads to interesting places.
This is no new idea, but Algoraves focus on humans making and dancing to music. Algorave musicians don’t pretend their software is being creative, they take responsibility for the music they make, shaping it using whatever means they have. More importantly the focus is not on what the musician is doing, but on the music, and people dancing to it. Algoraves embrace the alien sounds of raves from the past, and introduce alien, futuristic rhythms and beats made through strange, algorithm-aided processes. It’s up to the good people on the dancefloor to help the musicians make sense of this and do the real creative work in making a great party.
About F.A.T NIKA
The F.A.T NIKA is a Fake Gucci for the attention economy.
“The Prix Ars Electronica is one of the most important yearly prizes in the field of electronic and interactive art, computer animation, digital culture and music”. It is a handmade wooden statuette – copy of the Greek Nike of Samothrace – plated with gold. “Prix Ars Electronica†is a phrase composed of French, Latin and Spanish words, loosely translated as “Electronic Arts Prize.†(Source: Wikipedia.)
F.A.T NIKA is a freestyle copy of Ars Electronica’s Golden Nica. It is a 3d modeled object statuette, copied from Wikipedia images of the Greek Nike of Samothrace and Ars Electronica’s Golden Nica.
This prestigious counterfeited award can be easily reproduced infinite times -digitally or physically-, customized and being used to recognize any expression you value (including yours!)– without being part of the the artificial sanctity of juries, curators and gatekeepers.
2012 F.A.T (Crystal Disco version)
2013 Computer Rooms by Goto80(FAKE GOLD version)
2014 ALGORAVE (.tidal.gif version)
Made with the still occupied Martin Debie (1046 days and counting!) and Jerome Saint Clair as part of the Parsons Paris DISINOVATION weekend.
The expressions published in this site are all in the public domain. You may enjoy, use, modify, snipe about and republish all F.A.T. media and technologies as you see fit.