Our first public mention of internetfamo.us and fffff.at. Thanks everyone at Gadgetoff for the invitation.
Bike Hackers Get Whimsical on wired.com. Thanks Sonia.
FFFFFAT desktop, written by 2esae. Click here to download
The website is biggest public venue you’ve got and will always receive more eyeballs then a physical location. Getting up content early and often is better then beautiful and never. To get this site up and running took only a weekend and less then $130 (for the year).
– Domain registration: godaddy.com ($10 / year). I’ve also heard good things about 1and1.com.
– Web hosting: dreamhost.com ($120 / year).
– Install blog software: wordpress.org (free). To install wordpress in dreamhost you go to panel.dreamhost.com, login, under Goodies click One click installs, click wordpress and create a new data base. Fill in the remaining info boxes and click Install it for me now!. The site should be up and running.
– Web design: (free) If you are using wordpress then you can let the power of the open source community design your web page for you (for the most part). Just download themes from the web and ftp them to the dir yoursite.com/wp-content/themes. You can change and customize themes in the wp-admin page. Some sites to download free wordpress themes:
– http://www.fresheezy.com/
– http://themes.wordpress.net/
– http://www.wpthemesfree.com/
– 83-beautiful-wordpress-themes-you-probably-havent-seen
– http://www.wpdesigner.com
The expressions published in this site are all in the public domain. You may enjoy, use, modify, snipe about and republish all F.A.T. media and technologies as you see fit.