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The Olympic Games are here, and with all large events, our favorite internet hangouts are filled with mentions of this event. Our netizen communities generally don’t care for athletics, except that which we can do with our fingers. So download the Olwimpics browser extension for Chrome, Firefox, or Safari, and boost your self-esteem during these next few weeks.

Download for:

Chrome    Firefox    Safari

Downloaded over 2,500 times!

Check out the source code & respect the license:

Now with French, Spanish, & Czech keywords!

Speed Project: 2 hours

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Posted on July 28, 2012



  1. […] games, but I couldn’t give two shot puts about the Olympics. Thankfully, there’s the Olwinpics Blocker from […]

  2. […] games, but I couldn’t give two shot puts about the Olympics. Thankfully, there’s the Olwinpics Blocker from […]

  3. […] If you’re like me, you never real got into spectator sports. Maybe it was the jock-induced swirlies or maybe it was the pointlessness of ball-based games, but I couldn’t give two shot puts about the Olympics. Thankfully, there’s the Olwinpics Blocker from […]

  4. […] games, but I couldn’t give two shot puts about the Olympics. Thankfully, there’s the Olwinpics Blocker from […]

  5. […] games, but I couldn’t give two shot puts about the Olympics. Thankfully, there’s the Olwinpics Blocker from […]

  6. […] games, but I couldn’t give two shot puts about the Olympics. Thankfully, there’s the Olwinpics Blocker from […]

  7. […] games, but I couldn’t give two shot puts about the Olympics. Thankfully, there’s the Olwinpics Blocker from […]

  8. […] games, but I couldn’t give two shot puts about the Olympics. Thankfully, there’s the Olwinpics Blocker from […]

  9. […] ball-based games, but I couldn’t give two shot puts about the Olympics. Thankfully, there’s the Olwinpics Blocker from […]

  10. […] falls Ihr bereits jetzt die Schnauze voll von den Olympischen Spielen habt, FATLabs haben die „Olwimpics browser extension for Chrome, Firefox, or Safari“ am Start, die jede Erwähnung dieses Mumpitz ganz bunt zensiert. Und apropos Zensur: […]

  11. […] ball-based games, but I couldn’t give two shot puts about the Olympics. Thankfully, there’s the Olwinpics Blocker from […]

  12. […] games, but I couldn’t give two shot puts about the Olympics. Thankfully, there’s the Olwinpics Blocker from […]

  13. […] games, but I couldn’t give two shot puts about the Olympics. Thankfully, there’s the Olwinpics Blocker from […]

  14. Bill says:

    We need it for Safari on the iPad, too!

  15. […] The Olympics are a grand spectacle that can take the host city years to prepare for—but mere hours for audiences to tire of. So if less than a day in you’ve already had your fill of Olympic updates and recaps, do yourself a favor and download F.A.T.’s browser blocking extension. […]

  16. Heather G says:

    Nicely done. Can we get one of these come December to block mentions of December holidays and associated holiday glee?

  17. […] games, but I couldn’t give two shot puts about the Olympics. Thankfully, there’s the Olwinpics Blocker from […]

  18. […] ball-based games, but I couldn’t give two shot puts about the Olympics. Thankfully, there’s the Olwinpics Blocker from […]

  19. […] games, but I couldn’t give two shot puts about the Olympics. Thankfully, there’s the Olwinpics Blocker from […]

  20. […] you’ve already had your fill of Olympic updates and recaps, do yourself a favor and download F.A.T.’s browser blocking extension. […]

  21. […] games, but I couldn’t give two shot puts about the Olympics. Thankfully, there’s the Olwinpics Blocker from […]

  22. […] games, but I couldn’t give two shot puts about the Olympics. Thankfully, there’s the Olwinpics Blocker from […]

  23. […] games, but I couldn’t give two shot puts about the Olympics. Thankfully, there’s the Olwinpics Blocker from […]

  24. […] Olwimpics is available for Chrome, Safari and Firefox, and turns any reference or mention of the term “Olympic” on a page into a colourful array of censor blocks. It’s that easy, as long as you also stay away from the TV, radio, and newspapers. [F.A.T. via TechCrunch] […]

  25. […] osmislila dodatak za browser koji će "blokirati" sve vijesti vezane uz Olimpijske igre. Olwimpics će to učiniti tako što će svaki spomen Olimpijskih igara biti prekriven trakicama u […]

  26. […] set up in London. Or something like that -the screenshot looks like a colorful FBI redaction job. Link -via Boing […]

  27. James says:

    Ahhhhhh Relief………….

    THANK YOU now make one for any sport involving a ball…….a car……ect…… fact block them ALL

  28. […] haben sich auch die Leute bei gedacht und haben ein Firefox-Plugin entwickelt, mit dem man den ganzen Olympia-Kram unterdrücken kann (nicht getestet). So wie Adblock […]

  29. […] منبع به اشتراک بگذارید از مطلب خوشتون اومد؟ بهش مثبت یک بدین ( ) یا فید جادی.نت رو دنبال کنین. […]

  30. […] this reason, F.A.T. has created a browser addon called Olwimpics that essentially blocks all references to the Olympic […]

  31. […] this reason, F.A.T. has created a browser addon called Olwimpics that essentially blocks all references to the Olympic […]

  32. […] this reason, F.A.T. has created a browser addon called Olwimpics that essentially blocks all references to the Olympic […]

  33. […] some sports-hating nerds came up with a browser extension, Olwimpics, to block out all mentions of the […]

  34. […] 不仅一些中国人受够了,不少外国人也忍不住了。F.A.T公司今天发布浏览器插件Olwimpics,帮助用户消除和伦敦奥运会有关的信息。 […]

  35. […] 不仅一些中国人受够了,不少外国人也忍不住了。F.A.T公司今天发布浏览器插件Olwimpics,帮助用户消除和伦敦奥运会有关的信息。 […]

  36. […] 私はおよそスポーツ観戦にハマッたことがない。ボールゲームも、もちろんオリンピックも。有り難いことに、FFFFF.atがOlwinpics Blockerを作ってくれた。。 […]

  37. […] das Smartphone verkaufen und den Fernseher aus dem Fenster werfen. Die Extension könnt ihr hier runterladen. Hat dir dieser Beitrag gefallen und möchtest du immer über die neusten Gadgets […]

  38. […] Olwimpics è la nuova estensione del browser – disponibile per Chrome, Firefox e Safari – creata dallo statunitense Greg Leuch per censurare i contenuti relativi alle olimpiadi sulle pagine web. L’idea è interessante: Londra 2012 ha “invaso” le testate d’attualità, le agenzie di stampa, i blog e i social network. È legittimo che qualcuno ne abbia abbastanza e preferisca rivolgere la propria attenzione ad altro soprattutto trovandosi ancora in ufficio a ridosso del mese di agosto. La realizzazione non è altrettanto entusiasmante. […]

  39. […] you’ve already had your fill of Olympic updates and recaps, do yourself a favor and download F.A.T.’s browser blocking extension. […]

  40. […] you’ve already had your fill of Olympic updates and recaps, do yourself a favor and download F.A.T.’s browser blocking extension. […]

  41. […] para ellos ha nacido Olwimpics, una aplicación disponible para Chrome, Firefox y Safari, que bloquea en nuestro navegador toda la […]

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