The Free Art and Technology (F.A.T.) Lab is an organization dedicated to enriching the public domain through the research and development of technologies and media. Release early, often and with rap music. This is Notorious R&D.
So Google freaked out because the public in Sweden integrate to their language the term “ogooglebar”, which means ungoogable. SprÃ¥krÃ¥det (The Language Council) included “ogooglebar” in the yearly list of new words …and Googleâ„¢ pressured legally and demanded the word to be defined as the state of not being able to find search results in Googleâ„¢, rather than any search engine.  They also asked for include a note specifying that Googleâ„¢ is a trademark in the Council’s website.
SprÃ¥kradet deleted from the list the new word and published a great post bashing the company Googleâ„¢ for their “attempt to control language”.
Just a mere casualty, but i finished today one of my swedish language courses at SFI…. it went great. Long story short, one of the first things i learned is that anka means duck, as in DuckDuckGo <3
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