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Have you ever been in the situation where you spend days trying answer all of your email only to accomplish your goal and have no one to share in your victory? All you want is a high five, a pat on the back, and a “job well done soldier!”, and yet most likely all you are left with is an empty room and a cold cup of coffee. Inbox Victory is an initiative that says, “you deserve that high five!” And here is how you get it:

1) Get your email inbox down to zero. People have various methods for dealing with their email so ‘inbox 0’ is going to mean different things to different people. A basic rule of thumb, however, is getting it to a point where no further action can be taken.

2) Open up your webcam software and take a screenshot of yourself profiling in front of your defeated foe (See examples below).

3) Leave your screenshot in the comments of this post.

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Posted on July 6, 2008



  1. jamie dubs says:

    recognizing Inbox FAIL is the first step to Inbox Victory

  2. liz says:

    i am the inbox rebel! i have 7,292 unopened emails in my inbox, while still only using 14% of my gmail space! but y’all make me look like i care or something…

  3. samuel says:

    Yea, i can’t use my @aol/ email address because the web based mail doesn’t let me delete all of them (i can’t even select like 50 at a time then delete), and no pop clients work with it :\. But my gmail email is always clean, not as fun as 59k emails though.

  4. Andy says:

    Not bad… the again, it’s all still sitting in about 30 other folders waiting to be ignored…

  5. Ironic1 says:

    Mission accomplished! And not in the George Bush fingers crossed sense of “Mission Accomplished.” I really mean it and I’m not wearing a jumpsuit on some aircraft carrier.

  6. Joe Windish says:

    Feel the love…

  7. […] don’t get many emails, maybe 30 a day, but each one is a To Do and thus a pain in the ass. Getting rid of every email in my inbox feels like God has come down and given my whole body a blow job. Clearly I’m not alone on […]

  8. […] update! You can see people celebrating inbox zero here. Filed under Experience Design, Information Architecture […]

  9. Juhi says:

    Awesome, but why is everyone on this using a Mac?

  10. because, apparently, everyone is awesome

  11. ob1 says:

    Windows users are too busy tweaking Vista, reinstalling XP or fighting off hordes of virues to read email. Also more macs have built-in webcams.

  12. Alex says:

    I’m going to guess img tags?

  13. Alex says:

    Ok, maybe not.

  14. evan says:

    Top image is Linux / Ubuntu! I’m more surprised at the number of gmail users. Yall know google reads your email and puts advertisements in there, right?!?!

  15. […] Because everyone else was doing it, that’s why. […]

  16. teeeeej says:

    feeds + inbox = zero

  17. Ken says:


  18. […] taking victory photos of themselves and their e-mail when the inbox reaches […]

  19. […] Merlin Mann’s e-mail organization scheme (used in a positive way, not a slimy, user-car salesman way) is based on GTD (getting things done) and recently another website is inviting folks to celebrate their victory by emptying their inboxes. […]

  20. fisto says:

    this is mine:

  21. Scott says:

    How is it that jdubs always looks like a bad ass!?
    Nice job! I still have 8000 emails…

  22. […] so einiges, doch ein digitales Schulterklopfen – abzuholen bei F.A.T. – hat man sich damit zweifellos […]

  23. Jonic says:

    I’m now using so little of my Gmail inbox that it can’t figure out an accurate percentage..

  24. Bono says:

    Took foreaver to get the inbox down and the had to buy a camara, and even put up a nasty XP box.. dident like it! but ubuntu 8.4 really dose!!! love linux auto probe of all hardware….. except that pesky web cam…. Ohhhhhhh Well! did it to the 2pac discography… only up to 1998 or whatever. the CD i mean…. Dont for get the RAP music!!!

  25. […] declare inbox victory! With the help of the Andrew Dubber method, I have successfully recovered from ‘inbox […]

  26. […] always a daunting task, but once completed who do you celebrate with?  F.A.T. has the answer with Inbox Victory where they challenge users to submit web cam shots pointing to gleefully vacant […]

  27. Tony says:

    It’s nice to know that even though my files are a mess, my bookmarks even worse, and my life in general is totally unorganized, I’ve got my inbox dominated.

  28. Tony says:

    Woops! Look at how fast I lose track of things!

  29. […] Inbox Victory. A site for people to show off the pure joy of hitting ‘no unread messages’. […]

  30. From » Inbox Victory | F.A.T….

    Have you ever been in the situation where you spend days trying answer all of your email only to accomplish your goal and have no one to share in your victory? All you want is a high five, a pat on the back, and a “job well done soldier!”, and yet …

  31. […] Inbox Victory – “Have you ever been in the situation where you spend days trying answer all of your email only to accomplish your goal and have no one to share in your victory?” […]

  32. elliott says:

    you see i would. but the likelihood of me getting my inbox down to zero is pretty slim. i’ll give it a go tho

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