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git-friendly is a collection of shell scripts for automating common git actions: push, pull, branch, merge. I got tired of typing 3 or 4 commands to do such basic stuff, and now my life is awesome.

  • `push` also copies a GitHub compare URL to your clipboard for easy pasting (!)
  • `pull` will run commands like “bundle install” or “npm install” after finishing
  • `branch` will track remote branches if available
  • relevant commands stash & pop local changes as needed
  • less time fighting git = more time actually doing work

Check out the code and docs on GitHub

To install, just copy/paste: bash < <( curl

Now get back to work:
Screenshot using git-friendly `pull` command

Just listen to what everyone is saying!

  • "Amazeballs." --@paul_irish
  • "Don't let git PUSH you around. git git friendly!" --Max Salzberg, Diaspora*
  • "I am putting the fucking 'technology' back in Free Art & Technology" --yours truly

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Posted on September 26, 2011



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