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To enter internets you don’t need to request a visa to any office. You are always free to enter, you are free to do what you please, you are free to work without worrying about immigration, you will be never consider an alien. You are a netizen with all rights granted. You are free to enter internets anytime and jump in and out as you want. You don’t even need to cue in a line to enter internets, just choose one of more than 65000 ports and dive in, like the jellyfish you are.

Conditions: does not apply. Expiration: unlimited. *you might need a tube, though.
Get source code to issue your internet visa, here. Or leech it from S0M4L14*

Here is a good instructable by WCEastFZX, for you to manufacture and modify your internets visa.


Actually you don’t even need a visa to enter internets, but you might want to show it off at customs.

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Posted on July 13, 2009



  1. ytomk says:

    wish i could get on the internets

  2. […] Jellyfish Internetional Stamp. Unlimited visa. Kopimi! […]

  3. […] Jellyfish Internetional Stamp. Unlimited visa. […]

  4. WCEastFZX says:

    I wish I’d thought of this use!

  5. Bruno Costa says:

    heyy, can I have this again.

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