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Cache Rules Everything Around Me is my entire animated gif collection played in ten minutes and set to Girl Talk’s NightRipper. Best viewed fullscreen, loud and in da club.

Created using Animated Gif Mashup for Aram Bartholl’s TELE-INTERNET (ARS Electonica Digital Communities 2010).

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Posted on September 8, 2010



  1. bennett4senate says:

    hahaha really hits its stride for me around 3:10 with all the ass-kicking and falling down

  2. bennett4senate says:

    p.s. where’s the source zip of all your gifs?? ;)

  3. I also made a video of flashing GIF artworks and I put in some Chip music. Awesome stuff.

  4. ARAM says:

    ‘the sound of the police!! oui oui !!
    the sound of the police!! oui oui !!’

    screening at roten krebs linz was awesome!!(this clip needs to be played at your local club on full volume!!!)

  5. Fernando says:

    This is beautiful.

  6. robsainz says:

    This videos is pure WIN. I’ve seen many many of those GIFs over the past years and i laughed out lout at many of them syncing flawlessly along with the music.

  7. David says:

    You’re on tech crunch yo, “french designer Evan Roth” from “Fat Labs”

  8. s says:

    the music sucks. how many times can they say nigger. this needs to be adults only

  9. […] you missed the GIFs revolution, Evan Roth has compiled an excellent 10-minute video called Cache Rules Everything Around Me. (Hip-hoppers will notice the pun on the seminal Wu-Tang Clan hit “C.R.E.A.M.: Cash Rules […]

  10. Lurkhard says:


  11. […] you missed the GIFs revolution, Evan Roth has compiled an excellent 10-minute video called Cache Rules Everything Around Me. (Hip-hoppers will notice the pun on the seminal Wu-Tang Clan hit “C.R.E.A.M.: Cash Rules […]

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