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The jury met, they deliberated, and made their decision. Actually, they had a lot of trouble making their decision so… it’s a tie!

Congratulations I Am Jen and Tobi-x! You’ll each receive a $50 prize. The jury liked the effort and polish put into I Am Jen’s video and the effort and total absurdity of Tobi-x’s.

Enjoy: – i am jen remix from iamjen on Vimeo.

Add-art “Always Naked” Contest Entry from tobi-x on Vimeo.

Posted on June 27, 2008


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Bennett Williamson’s Screenshots from The Computer Chronicles (resized and cropped) is a new body of work created specifically for the Add-Art Firefox plugin. The images are from still frames of The Computer Chronicles, a weekly public television show running from 1983-2002 produced by the College of San Mateo’s KCSM-TV. Since its cancellation, nearly all the episodes have been digitized and made available for free download from the Internet Archive.

Add-Art Screenshot

Read more about Bennett’s show, see all the images, or get add-art now.

Extended Remix

Because the submissions for the $$$Remix contest$$$ have been so great, I just can’t end it today. EXTENDED REMIX! Get your submissions in by June 19th for the famo, the shot at the $100 prize, or just for the lulz.

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Aka: Steve forgot the rap music

FIRST: This video will give you a brief intro to Add-Art; the Firefox add-on that replaces ads with art. See how to install the add-on and get some basic info. If you have any additional questions, check out the forums – If you want to help us code, start at the Eyebeam Dev site. Free pizza and beer for coders who meet up in NYC.

SECOND: F@ Remix Contest! I was in a hurry and didn’t add my rap music! Whu oh. SO… log into Vimeo and grab the source video under “Downloads.” Add your own jamz and re-upload. Extra points if you translate into another language. Winner gets $100. Serious. Deadline for submissions is June 5, 2008 June 19th, 2008. Contact Steve Lambert with your links!


Introduction to Add-Art from Steve Lambert on Vimeo.

P.S. Next show is curated by Bennett4$enate!

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Posted on May 27, 2008


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Evan Roth and Steve Lambert will be on a panel at the New Museum this Thursday to discuss their Rhizome Commissions. Each will be giving a brief presentation – Evan on White Glove Tracking, and Steve on Add-Art.

Rhizome Commissions 08 7:30pm
Conversation with eteam, Steve Lambert, Evan Roth and Ben Engebreth, and Rafael Rozendaal

$6 members, $8 general public

The Rhizome Commissions Program was founded in 2001 to provide support to emerging artists working with new technologies. The forty-four works commissioned to date represent some of the most innovative, pioneering efforts in the field. Tonight, artists eteam (Hajoe Moderegger and Franziska Lamprecht), Steve Lambert, Evan Roth and Ben Engebreth, and Rafael Rozendaal, who received support in the 2008 cycle, present their finished projects as well as other select projects. Additional Rhizome Commissions will be presented in August and October.

2008 Commissioned projects:

1 5 6 7 8 9 10

The expressions published in this site are all in the public domain. You may enjoy, use, modify, snipe about and republish all F.A.T. media and technologies as you see fit.