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Serving Suggestion
Why am I showing you how to make ranch dressing? Two reasons: For ages I thought it was a secret concoction made in a lab from mysterious ingredients, so in many ways this is “open sourcing” food. Also, if Evan can post about food, why can’t I? I promise it’s not even really that complicated.

.5 cup mayonnaise
.5 cup whole yogurt
.25 cup 2% milk
2 tbsp. chopped celery leaves
1.5 tbsp. chopped fresh dill
1.5 tbsp. diced onion (sweet or red)
1 clove garlic, diced
1 tsp. dijon mustard
2 tsp. lemon juice
salt and pepper to taste

If you’ve got one, use a food processor to mince the garlic and onion. If not, a knife will do. Whisk all ingredients together and chill for an hour to let the flavors mix before serving. Experiment with the mayo/yogurt ratio and the herbs used.

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Posted on March 2, 2009


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Vicodin Earrings

A different kind of bling. Yeah, it’s generic, is that the same as wearing gold plated chains?

Reposted from Sternlab.

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Posted on February 21, 2009


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Old Pants to Yoga Mat Bag
First project for the fame-off! In this instructable I’ll show you how to turn an old pair of pants (with a hole in the butt, no less) into a fancy drawstring bag for your yoga mat. I guess it would work for other long skinny things, too, like giant cinnamon sticks or a bunch of arrows. There’s also a Flickr set of all the images. Click extra hard to support the fatlab!


Posted on February 17, 2009


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Linoleum asphalt mosaics, also called Toynbee Tiles, are artworks permanently embedded in pavement. In this video I’ll show you how to construct your own from inexpensive materials. You can get real linoleum (don’t use vinyl flooring) for this project by ordering free samples online. By cutting out a mosaic design in the linoleum and sandwiching it between layers of paper, wood glue, and asphalt crack filler, you can affix the mosaic very permanently to any asphalt surface, such as your driveway. You may choose to use a heat gun to make the linoleum easier to cut, or even a laser cutter. The earliest examples of these tiles were found in the 70s and 80s on streets in Philadelphia, all bearing the same (or very similar) message: “Toynbee idea / in Kubrick’s 2001 / resurrect dead / on planet Jupiter.” They are speculated to have been created by the same person until they began to gain a following. There’s an active message board on the topic which shares sightings and other information.

Costar is Matt Mechtley, used this cc-licensed photo, music by Kyle Gabler.

Reposted from CRAFT.

Posted on January 30, 2009


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