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The Clap-Off Bra was created to introduce a conservative Western audience to the type of electronic lingerie one would find in the bazaars of Syria.

Learn how to make your own.


  1. samuel says:

    The future is here.

  2. Jamie Dubs says:

    god bless america

  3. […] The Clap-Off Bra (Vimeo Direktbra, via FAT) […]

  4. […] enough, you've still got about 24 hours left before Valentine's Day to whip up one of F.A.T. artist Randy Sarafan's step-by-step clap-off bras. Inspired by the electronic singing panties and remote-controlled bras […]

  5. […] enough, you've still got about 24 hours left before Valentine's Day to whip up one of F.A.T. artist Randy Sarafan's step-by-step clap-off bras. Inspired by the electronic singing panties and remote-controlled bras […]

  6. […] the “Clap-Off Bra” which is apparently a big hit in the bazaars of […]

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