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I make a smaller version of Tobi’s Foxbling in silver, here’s a process video I made about it for CRAFT.

I used rubber cement to affix the template to a piece of 18ga. silver sheet, and used a small saw to cut out the shape on top of a jewelry maker’s bench pin, which is that fork-shaped wooden surface you see in the video. Finish it up with files and a lot of sanding using a flex shaft and slotted mandrel. The same flex shaft can be fitted with any number of tools, like the tiny drill bit I used to drill the pendant’s jumpring hole. I got most of the tools and supplies for this project from Rio Grande, who also buys back my scrap metal.

I’d like to put these necklaces into production (and $upport Mozilla, natch), so if you’re interested in staying informed on the project, email me.

Posted on September 17, 2010



  1. tbx says:

    love it!

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