Our Ghetto Matrix instruction set has made it to the final round of the instructables laser cutter competition. We are one of 14 people that stand a chance to win this $15,000 piece of machinery. This laser cutter would be the corner stone to the fffffisical fffffat lab space once it’s up and running…… we NEED this.
You can view the finalists here, and people who have instructables accounts can go straight into the matrix and cast your vote for us here. For those of you who don’t have accounts (but want to help us win this thing), just go here and set up an account and start voting.
We could really use your help with this one, so please forward this on, force your mom to sign up on instructables, sign your cat up for an account… whatever it takes. Thanks for the support and hopefully we’ll be doing irresponsible things with very powerful lasers very soon.
Computer Arts Projects in the UK just did a special ‘how to’ magazine on “Graffiti in the Digital Age”. GRL was the featured profile and I wrote a how to for Laser Tag 2.0 which they butchered quite hard in the editing process. Apparently it needs at least a 5mW projector : )
Please excuse the crappy pdf quality. I didn’t feel like making any more effort than this. Enjoy!
Full pdf – with bonus last page
What is FAT? Hard to say but somehow I feel it lies somewhere between these two images.
The expressions published in this site are all in the public domain. You may enjoy, use, modify, snipe about and republish all F.A.T. media and technologies as you see fit.