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Jesus Saves was one of the first graffiti writers I got to know when I moved to NYC. I just received an email from him with a link to this compilation video he made of all the projects we worked on together. Most of the footage is from back in the Graffiti Analysis days of 2003 – 2005.

  • He writes that the clip was made by filming the screen and “cutting off the clips from the others 2 only show mines lol i know it sounds greedy but yo i do it 4 the love of my tag”. Check out the rest of his clips on his youtube account here.

  • Most of the applications shown in these videos were made with early pre-release versions of Zach and Theo’s Open Framewerkz

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    Posted on May 6, 2008



    1. R F H lll says:

      “filming the screen” – nice

    2. jesussaves says:

      wow evan thats whats up dude…thank u 4 putting my js video up there man..peace and god bless

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