The Free Art and Technology (F.A.T.) Lab is an organization dedicated to enriching the public domain through the research and development of technologies and media. Release early, often and with rap music. This is Notorious R&D.
The expressions published in this site are all in the public domain. You may enjoy, use, modify, snipe about and republish all F.A.T. media and technologies as you see fit.
Web T.0….. t-shirts are the new blog.
This is so exclusive, just think about the beach bums that just wear shorts! Shouldn’t the be allowed to blog as well?
At least the shitty CafePress shirt will let everyone know how minimally invested you are in the idea.
Mark hooked me to this one:
(and here)
hahaha. only sold one. cafepress wont let me get the money either. ive had 11 bucks in cafepress limbo for like a year and a half.
you know who bought it right? Mr. Evan himself.