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In the beginning, Borna curated himself into the New Museum

Tobi-x responded w/ the Anti-Bornsky, a Greasemonkey which locks a browser to a select list of websites, to be used on the kiosks in the new show at Eyebeam

thx to yatta for the video. Now rockin’ it up on the new F.A.T. Channel on Vimeo.


  1. tobi-x says:

    hahaha, dude i’m so embarrassed, the god-damn kiosk add-on can’t block the toolbars on a mac. -> bornsky scores again.

  2. jamie dubs says:

    FYI i’m pretty sure the bugfix is just compiling the anti-bornsky, since add-ons can’t be disabled/enabled w/ the kiosk extension installed

    or run Linux on the kiosk :)

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