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The notorious artist Ai Weiwei has been detained by Chinese authorities with very little known information about his status and wellbeing*. He has been was detained for 81 days, upsetting many in the art world for the treatment of an expressive artist in a country where outspoken expression is largely oppressed.

We, as artists and art viewers, should not let this happen. Protest the Chinese detention of Ai Weiwei. Boycott! Protest! Block Chinese sites until Ai Weiwei is released by preventing yourself from surfing into Chinese web territories.

Download Now!

Available for Chrome, Firefox, and Safari browsers.

Download the China Web Boycott extension for your browser and boycott Chinese websites whenever artists, like Ai Weiwei, are detained without explanation or justification. Be alerted when he is released, as well as when other artists are detained in China, and boycott Chinese web sites only when artists are being held in detention!

China Blocker concept and code by Greg Leuch (@gleuch).


  1. […] of protecting Internet freedom and artistic expression.”This awareness comes in the form of a browser plugin for Chrome, Firefox and Safari that blocks all Chinese websites. When you come across such a […]

  2. […] awareness comes in the form of a browser plugin for Chrome, Firefox and Safari that blocks all Chinese websites. When you come across such a […]

  3. […] awareness comes in the form of a browser plugin for Chrome, Firefox and Safari that blocks all Chinese websites. When you come across such a […]

  4. […] June 4 (day 61): On the anniversary of the Tienanmen massacre, House Minority leader Nancy Pelosi condemns the recent crackdown on democratic rights, and calls for Ai Weiwei’s release. And get your China Webblocker and Ai Weiwei glasses here. […]

  5. […] awareness comes in the form of a browser plugin for Chrome, Firefox and Safari that blocks all Chinese websites. When you come across such a […]

  6. […] who has been detained without known reason by the Chinese government since March 31st. First, the China Web Boycott browser extension, a valiant effort, though without a significant chunk of the Western world participating, a largely […]

  7. […] replaced by an image with the up yours gesture on the Tiananmen Square in Beijing (see above). The extension is available for Chrome, Firefox, and […]

  8. […] the event Ai or others do get arrested, the China Blocker will be reactivated to support whomever is […]

  9. […] some think was a likelier reason for his detainment.In protest, FAT Lab member Greg Leuch created a browser plugin called Chinablocker for Chrome, Firefox and Safari that blocks all Chinese websites. When you come across such a […]

  10. […] some think was a likelier reason for his detainment.In protest, FAT Lab member Greg Leuch created a browser plugin called Chinablocker for Chrome, Firefox and Safari that blocks all Chinese websites. When you come across such a […]

  11. […] protest, FAT Lab member Greg Leuch created a browser plugin called Chinablocker for Chrome, Firefox and Safari that blocks all Chinese websites. When you come across such a […]

  12. […] protest, FAT Lab member Greg Leuch created a browser plugin called Chinablocker for Chrome, Firefox and Safari that blocks all Chinese websites. When you come across such a […]

  13. […] protest, FAT Lab member Greg Leuch created a browser plugin called Chinablocker for Chrome, Firefox and Safari that blocks all Chinese websites. When you come across such a […]

  14. This weblog is a great read, thank you.

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