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Posted on April 15, 2013


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tryna put the FREE ART back in Free Art and Technology

I made this video drunk and alone on a friends roof in 2009. hadn’t thought about it once since then until i found it a couple hours ago on a hard drive and decided rework it a little. it looks alllright on vimeo. kind of. not really. it’ll look a lot better if you just download it.

Untitled Video Painting 5.5
Borna Sammak 2009 (old, i know, but new to you, as it were)
1920 x 1080. video loop. 10ish seconds. 40ish megs.

Posted on February 22, 2011


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Posted on February 18, 2011


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the rickroll is dead

Posted on July 28, 2008


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