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Long story short, I made some squiggle bots to scam Web 2.0 douchebags out of money during an open artist studio event this weekend. Late last night, I had the urge to mount and hang one of these pointless scribbles amongst the serious artwork hung in the lobby space of the studio building. So, foregoing permission, I hung it up with a sign reading “A Study in Centripetal Force for use in Marker Application Applications.” It’s almost not worth mentioning, but I thought I would bring it up since doing this made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.


  1. coxy says:

    This is amazing. Possibly the fifth best thing I’ve seen all day!!

  2. says:

    Great and free!
    Your post is in Japanese at

  3. jamie dubs says:

    this is so much better than the “art” you hung it next to

  4. zoltzerino says:

    Almost Jackson Pollock-esque, pretty snazzy! :-D

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