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“The duration of the Corporation shall be perpetual”

On October 25th, in New York City, Evan, Jonah Peretti and I signed the FAT Lab articles of incorporation. You basically need one of these documents and three board members to begin your own revolutionary non-profit jump-off. As part of our Lab How-To (How to start you own phat, non-profit Lab), we’ve included a pdf, zip scan and an OpenOffice doc of our incorporation certificate. Just click on the OpenOffice document, fill in your name and info in the sections annotated in red, write a check for $75 duckets and mail that john to the address listed here and you too can join corporate America. It might also help to have a music video:

To watch this video at the resolution of the proletariat click here. BTW, we haven’t actually verified that this is a legal certificate. Stay tuned for more on our post on How to contact the Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts. For more info on starting your own non-profit business you can look here.

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Posted on November 5, 2007



  1. […] This time we’re opening up the process of finding pro bono legal assistance with filing our articles of incorporation through the Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts in New York. To get the ball rolling, the FAT Lab called […]

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