
Evan Roth

    : Research Director

James Powderly

    : Research Director

Theo Watson

    : Virtual Research Fellow

Bennett Williamson

    : Virtual Research Fellow

Mike Baca

    : Convicted Fellow

Jamie Wilkinson

    : Virtual Research Fellow

Borna Sammak

    : Virtual Research Fellow


    : Unauthorized Research Fellow

Tobias Leingruber

    : Virtual Research Fellow

Becky Stern

    : Virtual Research Fellow

Michael Frumin

    : Chief Curmudgeonly Officer

Jonah Peretti

    : Board Member

Randy Sarafan

    : Virtual Research Fellow

Aram Bartholl

: Real Research Fellow


Greg Leuch

    : Virtual Research Fellow

Magnus Eriksson

    : Research Research Fellow

Golan Levin

    : Virtual Research Fellow

Kyle McDonald

    : Virtual Research Fellow

Addie Wagenknecht

    : Minister Of Propaganda


    : Virtual Research Fellow

Les FFFFFrères Ripoulain (David Renault & Mathieu Tremblin)

    : Visual Research Fellows

Maddy Varner

    : Virtual Research Fellow

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