“David Renault and Mathieu Tremblin“. Friend of Mine Friend of Ours serie. 2010.
Under the pseudonym of Les Frères Ripoulain, the duo of french artists David Renault and Mathieu Tremblin work since 2006 in fallow areas of the city and develop urban actions focus on notions like counterfeiting, neglect and degradation, autonomous and spontaneous expression, cryptic language and civil disobedience.
Since the beginning of the 2000, they started to implement creative dynamics which are dealing with graffiti, DIY and Internet culture combining free technology and Lo-tech productions beyond classical art scene.
– LFFFFFR portfolio: www.lesfreresripoulain.eu
– LFFFFFR blog: mutemutiny.tumblr.com
– DR porfolio: www.phantomsignal.eu (soon)
– MT portfolio: www.demodetouslesjours.eu
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