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Internet Explorer 6 – the bane of web developers everywhere. How do you create modern, standards compliant web sites for a browser that never met standards?

  1. Fix your issues for all the modern browsers.
  2. go have a sandwich.


  1. Jamie Dubs says:

    10 seconds = new speed project record

  2. ARAM says:

    OMG!!! hehe … we need to add that on the stamp … :-)

  3. […] for 2010120720101207 · 0 commentsHOW TO: Solve cross browser com­pat­i­bil­ity issuesInter­net Explorer 6 – the bane of web devel­op­ers every­where. How do you cre­ate mod­ern, […]

  4. Factran says:

    Or : add a line in your billing “making the site IE-6 compatible” with a crazy amount. People loves to remove some line in a bill ! : “Oh I’m such a good negociator”

  5. […] Here is one solution from F.A.T (free art and technology). […]

  6. Kerry says:

    Or have a big 144 font marquee streaming across the header on detection:

    “IE 6? Go F*ck Yourself”. Sirens going off too. That should get some attention.

  7. Simone Herschell says:

    We solve the problem by generating each page dynamically as a bitmap and then transfer the bitmap to the browser. This is completely browser independent, and better, it allows us to use advanced computer languages rather than JavaScript.

  8. WhiteCube says:

    Show a Y2K error message in the browserwindow and freeze the rest of the website.

  9. […] HOW TO: Solve cross browser compatibility issues by Steve Lambert […]

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