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Deutsche Bank hack!!! Get your X-Mas bonus in 5 minutes, now!!!

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Posted on December 7, 2009



  1. Nalden says:

    video removed by user? that’s too bad!

  2. up again, i had to fix the audio and at the same time dreamhost went down …. but now enjoy the full story! haha …

  3. Corican says:

    Oh aren’t you clever!

  4. HUNDERTMARK says:

    I’m finally rich.
    kind of

  5. Steve Lambert says:

    why did I watch that?

  6. karl p. says:

    it works!
    i can confirm that!

  7. Paulchen says:

    I made it 4 times, now i have over 9000€ on my bank account, im very happy :) merry christmas guys

  8. tttttbx says:

    This is a Rickroll!!! NOT a Keyboard cat.

  9. Rick says:

    I dont get it…

  10. […] gabs vor einem guten monat auch schonmal einen gescheiterten versuch, den ihr euch hier ankucken […]

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